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Kourtney Layton
& Associates
Excellence, integrity and accountability in the provision of Vocational Rehabilitation services
Kourtney Layton is a 3rd generation rehabilitation counselor. She was inspired to embark on a career as a vocational rehabilitation counselor because of her mother and grandmother, who were also in the same profession. At a young age, she was already aware of how the vocational rehab process helped individuals become empowered and independent; and she now enjoys achieving successful employment outcomes with her own clients.
Ms. Layton has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Utah. She received her Masters of Science degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Utah State University, where she was on a full academic scholarship. She later completed post-graduate life care planning certification courses at the University of Florida.
More About Kourtney Layton
Kourtney Layton has worked in the field of vocational rehabilitation since 2006. She is a Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP) and a Certified Vocational Expert recognized by the Social Security Administration. She has an International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC) and a Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE). She is also a Diplomate with the American Board of Vocational Experts.
In 2009, Kourtney Layton set up her own vocational rehabilitation firm in Sandy, Utah. In 2016, the main office was relocated to Highland, Utah and a satellite office was also opened in Idaho. Our Las Vegas office opened in June of 2019.
Although Ms. Layton has established her reputation among the most trusted vocational experts in Utah, Idaho and Nevada, she works with personal injury attorneys and divorce attorneys nationwide to consistently provide thorough, objective assessments in all types of cases. She has served as an expert witness in matters involving personal injury, medical malpractice, employee compensation, wrongful termination, discrimination, family law, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other issues related to employment and labor market issues.
Ms. Layton’s work has been published in the Forensic Casebook: Vocational and Economic Reports (3rd edition). Some of her other papers are titled “Evaluating Underemployment in Family Law Cases” and “Changes in the Brain and Behavior Resulting from the Use of Technology: Are There Vocational Implications?” and Vocational, Economic and Life Care Planning in the Era of COVID-19.
In addition to our Utah, Idaho and Nevada clientele, our firm also serves vocational rehabilitation and Life Care Planning clients in other parts of the country.