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Kourtney Layton



Celebrating 15 years of excellence, integrity ​and​ accountability in the provision of Vocational Rehabilitation services.

Kourtney Layton – a certified Life Care Planner (CLCP) and a certified vocational expert recognized by the U.S. Social Security Administration -has been practicing as a vocational rehabilitation counselor since 2006. She works with persons with disabilities and assists them in finding meaningful employment.

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We provide a wide variety of services based upon the unique goals and factors of each case, including job placement, medical and vocational case management, vocational testing and assessment, job placement and job site analyses. We also offer forensic services such as vocational evaluations, marriage dissolution evaluations, analyses of loss of earning capacity, life care plans, transition planning services and litigation support.



Fair, objective assessments of individual earning capacity through evaluation of vocational factors, current labor market trends, locale and employer requirements.



Vocational assessments to analyze earning capacity of persons with an acquired disability. Life Care Plans and assessments of potential lost earning capacity utilizing clinical judgment, work life expectancy data, life expectancy resources and relevant economic principles.



Based upon the unique aspects of the case, services may include: critique of hearing testimony or opinions of other vocational experts; analysis and classification of past work; written opinions and/or reports to present to the ALJ; and appearance at the hearing to respond to hypothetical questions.


Worker’s Compensation

Assessments of vocational capacity in reference to industrial injuries. Evaluation of return-to-work potential, disability, labor market access, earning capacity and ability to perform basic work activities all under the lens of the relevant venue or state.


Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational rehabilitation refers to the services geared toward people who have physical disabilities or mental health issues that affect their chances of getting and keeping jobs. This includes counseling them about the job interview process and teaching skills necessary for obtaining and/or maintaining gainful employment.

What We Can Do For You

Vocational rehabilitation refers to the services geared toward people who have physical disabilities or mental health issues that affect their chances of getting and keeping jobs. This includes counseling them about the job interview process and teaching skills that are necessary for employment

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Contact us

Vocational rehabilitation is all about empowering individuals to become or continue to be contributing members of society. For more information or to make an appointment, you can reach us by calling (855) 831-8880.

You may also send inquiries to kourtney@kourtneylayton.com or dawn@kourtneylayton.com.